Origins of Sensibility and Lust — Marina Kronkvist

The T&P Spectrum for this workshop is: , ,

As a contribution to the Touch&Play Festival I offer a workshop I will give at the Sydney Xplore-festival in April 2011. I’m also very interested in what the days of Experiment brings up to offer at the Festival.

Connect to your primordial appetite. Innocent and lustful. In the workshop we explore the senses and reflexes connected to the active mouth. An exploration into contact by What kind of dance is born when we first awakening the reflex to actively reach for the ‘food’?

When one finds satisfaction with someone or something one thing that happens is that more and more is demanded. More is demanded out of abundance, not less. Satisfaction breeds a particular kind of dissatisfaction. Most of us are taught to deal with these situations by denial. ‘Don’t want more.’ ‘Be thankful for what you have.’

One understanding in bodily processes dissatisfaction is a response to satisfaction and simply generates an appetite for expanded possibilities of living.

The workshop is indeed a celebration of the appetite for expanded possibilities of living.

Read Marina Kronkvist’s biography